We are happy to have an ongoing promotion with Hotfrog search engine. Referrals from Hotfrog, simply mention “Hot Frog Special Promotion” when we schedule your service.
What I like most about listing Easy Fit Plumbing at Hotfrog is the amount on information able to be uploaded. First the Easy Fit Plumbing listing on HotFrog, allows for all of the business information to be entered. Making information easily available lets potential customers to connect with Easy Fit Plumbing quickly.
Second, Hot Frog Special Promotion allows us to add an FAQ section to answer common questions right from their search listing. Users of Hotfrog can get instant answers. For example “Where are you primarily located?” and “Can you work with us to pull permits?”. Click on the link in the Listing to view the answer. It would be nice if more search engines offered an FAQ feature.
Lastly, and my most favorite is the option to add articles. As a long time plumber I have a lot to say about plumbing. A search engine to write for additional plumbing content it welcomed. Hotfrog allows Easy Fit Plumbning to focus on plumbing related content that is immediately released.
Big thanks to Hotfrog for allowing Easy Fit Plumbing to fully express the scope of our business.